hi smua hii...
ermm..ape yg nk share ari ney??
1 renUGAn tok sMUA
when Allah drOps needles, & pins along our pAth or liFe,
DOn't step awaY
PiCk them Up & CoLLect them!!!
they r deSingn 2 TeaCh uS...
2 B stRong & wiSe
we R neVer too OLd 2 leaRn,
neVeR ToO youNG 2 Die..
FollOw d STEp OF ulaMMa'
@nD foLLow D sTep oF sYUhaDa'
to Die..
gmbr hiasn..
xder kna mngna ngn yg idup or yg dah pass AWAY
da smua daa..
cumel2 patung tuh..;)